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Survey of age of English lambs at slaughter

ADAS is conducting a study for Defra to provide a more robust estimate of the age of lambs at slaughter.

Given the variation between different production systems, breeds and regions the age of lambs at slaughter varies widely from as young as 10 weeks of age to over 12 months but it is assumed that on average a UK lamb will be between 6 and 7 months old when slaughtered.

The UK needs to provide a more robust estimate of lamb age at slaughter to update the UK estimates of greenhouse gas emissions from sheep and in particular lambs, and to fairly represent our systems of production compared to other countries.

This work has been commissioned by Defra.

If you have over 100 breeding ewes and are selling most of your lambs for slaughter and have not received a questionnaire through the post then we would very much appreciate your help in completing the following questionnaire.

download Slaughter Survey pdf

Please return completed questionnaires to ADAS Rosemaund, Preston Wynne, Hereford HR1 3PG.

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